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Post-Flood Tips For Southern Nevada

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Nevada communities have dealt with floods since the initial settlements in the mid-1800. Though Nevada typically has an arid climate with few perennial streams and little precipitation, the lack of data and sparse stream-gagging network lead to underestimation of its Flood hazards.

Nevada suffers mainly Riverine Flooding which typically occurs during the winter or spring runoff periods and Alluvial Fan Flooding which is due to the successive flood events over thousands of years, hence making it potentially more dangerous since it is less predictable. Another critical hazard is the flash flooding on streams emerging from steep canyons in the mountains of Nevada.

Here are a few suggestions regarding safety and property implications after floods.

Emergency Calls:

Do continue monitoring the media for emergency information and follow instructions from public safety officials.

In case you have already evacuated, wait for authorities to give the go ahead before returning.

Any emergencies like downed power lines or gas leaks should get reported by calling 9-1-1

In case of disaster information and finding shelter, call 22-1-1

Do keep a check on family, friends, and neighbors, as well as those who may need additional or medical assistance like the elderly and the ones who live alone.


Safety from the damaged surroundings is paramount as it could turn disastrous if you are not watchful.

Keep away from downed utility wires because in case the line is live, then there is a possibility of Electrocution as electrical currents can travel through water.

Avoid driving through flooded roads to prevent getting stuck in affected areas.

Stay out of damaged buildings or roads until authorities deem them safe.

Beware of your steps after a flood as the debris covering the ground, the stairs and floors can get slippery with mud and may contain broken bottles pieces and nails.

Only boiled water should be used for drinking and food preparation until the local authorities declare your water supply to be safe. Avoid canned and stored refrigerated food exposed to floodwaters or high temperatures. 

Clean and Check Your Home for Damage:

Once the local authorities give the go ahead to return home after floods, make sure you do a thorough cleaning and check for losses.

Clean and disinfect the house by wearing appropriate protective equipment or consider using professional services for cleaning and repairing the flood-damaged property, especially the electric systems.

Have wells or tanks checked for contamination and get them restored as soon as possible to reduce potential health hazards.

In case there is property damage, take photos or videos to document it and contact your insurance company.

If your property has been through such floods and you wish to sell house fast in Las Vegas, call us. We buy houses in  Las Vegas for cash an promise to close in 2 week.